Get ready for the Tablet from Amazon this year.

Tablet from Amazon pre-steaming is an alternative to consumers later this year.

The news sources have reported that Receive referrals from DigiTimes IT news, stating that the Taiwanese company Quanta Computer. Received orders from the Amazon's to the production of the first Tablet PC under the Amazon brand. The Tablet will use the display technology from E Ink Electrophoretic technology or "e-paper" for the touch screen. It quickly began to export around half of this year. Would be expected with all desktop PC to order at least 7-8 hundred thousand units a month during the high season this By Quanta is one of the manufacturer to the RIM BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet and were reported to have been approached to join production of Sony's Tablet is scheduled for release later this year as well. The Amazon will have to be under pressure during the intense competition in the Tablet PC market, especially with the iPad is currently dominating the market. Kindle, which issued from it can not balance well outside North America and Europe. The Tablet is a new collaboration with Amazon's AppStore to open soon, and use the service with Amazon Cloud Drive.

Source : CNET


lifeinsurance said...

Ecellent post on tablet pc. Thanks

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